Quarantine: July 2020

Quarantine: July 2020

There is so much green in the world right now. That’s what I’m focusing on. We can’t travel or see friends and family and that’s really hitting us hard. We want so much to be throwing pool parties and barbecues and beach trips. We want to be on a real vacation. Even just to be able to look at a different view than one from our house windows. But we will have to wait, likely until next year. Until then, we take walks outdoors around the neighborhood and drive to towns adjacent to our own. We explore cemeteries and parks and hiking trails. And discover hidden parts of the world we never explored before because we were too busy or stuck inside an office building.


Hummingbird update: Y’all, I FINALLY caught a photo of Mister Rubythroated Hummingbird. We’ve seen dozens of female rubies at our feeder, but the males have been very elusive. They don’t visit nearly as much as their female counterparts and they never linger. But when we do catch a glimpse of them, their ruby iridescent feathers are outstanding.


And I’m proud to announce a new member of the family! Mike and I are very happy to welcome a beautiful new John Deere ride-on lawnmower to our home.


Me, to Mike: “Jump like you’re in one of those old Toyota commercials”


It used to take Mike several hours to mow the lawn (with multiple stops for emptying the bag) with a pushmower. It was his whole Sunday and after he was completely spent from the efforts. We’re less than an acre here in the suburbs but push mowing is HARD work. I’m SO glad he finally caved and splurged on proper ride-on. He can mow front and back in under 30 minutes flat. He has his weekends back and he’s not dead from exhaustion after. Best purchase of the summer.

While Mike mows, I do weeding, raking, and garden bed maintenance. We’re spending more time outdoors than we’ve ever been, since we’re working from home and don’t lose hours to a commute each day. It’s a nice change of pace and the extra sunlight is a real mood booster. I’m starting to worry that one day I’ll have to go back to an office and be trapped once more in a cubicle that faces a dead parking lot instead of Roses of Sharon and lace cap hydrangeas.


Speaking of work, I’ve been offered an amazing opportunity with an incredible in-house advertising agency! For over a year now, my old job has no longer been serving me or my career path. I’ve battled stagnation, lack of advancement, toxic management, and a cultural shift that deprioritized creative work. It’s been a long, depressing struggle, but I’ve been using this time during lockdown to refocus on finding a better opportunity.

And I’m happy to report I think I’ve found just the right fit! I think this new role will be full of fresh creative challenges, working alongside some of the most talented people in the industry, and possibly offer real potential for growth. I’ve officially accepted the position and I start at the end of the month. I can already feel the weight and stress of my old job lifting up and off my shoulders. I’m actually breathing easier. And sleep? How about all the way through the night without anxiety or stress or work-related nightmares? My physical and mental well-being is slowly being rehabilitated and I had no idea it had gotten so bad. So glad to be moving up and onwards. Cheers to a better future ahead.

Quarantine: August 2020

Quarantine: August 2020

Quarantine: June 2020

Quarantine: June 2020